Want to be more eco friendly this new year?

Learn 30 new habits in 30 days

  • drastically reduce your environmental footprint
  • follow small changes that are easy to make
  • dedicate less than 3 minutes a day


Essential information and practical tips.

I know you don’t have all day to read and research every aspect of conscious consumerism.

That’s why I’m doing the work for you: Key facts you should know and what you can do, delivered in a quick, readable format.

  • What’s vampire draw? (and how do I prevent it?)
  • How does my daily smartphone use influence the social responsibility of companies?
  • What’s more eco-friendly? Shopping online or going to the store?

30 Days To Eco

#1 Do What You Can

#2 Reducing Your Consumption

#3 Consume Smarter

#4 Know Your Eco Labels

#5 Wise Up to Greenwashing

#6 Eat Sustainable Seafood

#7 Drink Responsibly

#8 Say No to Swag

#9 Spend Your Attention Wisely

#10 Invest In You

#11 Reduce Your Food Waste

#12  🍕 + ⌚️+💸

#13 Support The Cause

#14 The Meat Feat

#15 The Recipe

#16 Vampire Electronics

#17 Track Your Trash

#18 Unsubscribe

#19 Repair

#20 Upcycle

#21 Shopping vs Shipping

#22 Recycle Right

#23 Refill

#24 Microplastics

#25 A Piece of Trash

#26 BYOC

#27 Stifling Stuff

#28 Less is More

#29 Get Out

#30 Share The Wealth

Follow along on Twitter (#30toEco) or Facebook


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