Mud Jeans

Mud Jeans – (80/100 from 1 Source) 


Rating Breakdown:

  • Rank A Brand: B

Climate Change/Carbon Emissions: 3 out of 6 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Climate Change Points:

  • Good – Mud Jeans has a policy to reduce carbon emissions and energy use.
  • Good –Mud Jeans reports its own operations climate footprint. Mud Jeans is carbon neutral certified by ‘BLUEdot Register’ and they compensated the emissions for all products and operations in 2016, effective by March 2016.
  • Good – Mud Jeans implements several measures to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the production chain that is beyond own operations. They have also assessed their product specific climate footprints, and have published respective results.
  • Unknown – Mud Jeans does not communicate its renewable energy policy.

Environmental Policy: 9 out of 12 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Environmental Points:

  • Good –Almost all of Mud Jeans’ entire collection is made from organic cotton or recycled denim. Only a small fraction (2%) of raw materials processed are materials such as Viscose or Spandex.
  • Good –Mud Jeans’ collection is partly GOTS-certified, which means that high standards are maintained for suitable chemical use and water policies during production. Mud Jeans also has a policy to reduce the use of water in production and its jeans are only treated with ‘Jeanologia’ laser technique machines instead of harmful chemicals.
  • Good –Mud Jeans re-uses all textile waste materials and collected jeans from its customers to recycle and reuse them for the production of new garments.
  • Good – Mud Jeans allows its customers to send their jeans back for repair and they promote the concept of “leasing” garments.
  • Unknown – Mud Jeans implements several measures to reduce the environmental impact of its consumer packaging, such as using ‘Repack’ for its home delivery packaging but they don’t publish an annual consumer packaging material footprint.

Labor Conditions/Fair Trade: 7 out of 14 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Labor Conditions Points:

  • Good –Mud Jeans is a member of the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) which establishes:
    • Legally-binding employment relationships
    • A maximum workweek of 48 hours – with a maximum of 12 hours of overtime (voluntary)
    • Commitment to implementing payment of living wages
    • Workers have the right to form and join trade unions
  • Good – Mud Jeans has publicly issued that sandblasting is banned from the brand’s supply chains.
  • Unknown –Although Mud Jeans gives detailed reporting on the auditing and labour conditions at its apparel manufacturer in Tunisia, it is unclear what percentage of the production volume, on apparel manufacturer level, this represents.
  • Unknown –Mud Jeans aims to work towards a situation where it can guarantee above average living wage payments for the workers in the factories. However, results concerning realized living wage payments are not reported yet.
  • Unknown –Mud Jeans does not provide comprehensive concrete information and results of its labour conditions policy for the fabric manufacturing phases.