Nudie Jeans

Nudie Jeans – A (90/100) 


Rating Breakdown:

  • Rank A Brand: B
  • Shop Ethical: A
  • Nudie Jeans is ‘JUST APPROVED’

Climate Change/Carbon Emissions: 1 out of 6 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Climate Change Points:

  • Good – Nudie Jeans has a policy to reduce carbon emissions and energy use.
  • Unknown – Nudie Jeans does not disclose information about their carbon footprint or renewable energy policy.

Environmental Policy: 7 out of 12 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Environmental Points:

  • Good – Nudie Jeans uses organic cotton for its jeans, Backbone Collection, and some of its shirts. They use recycled materials for their rugs.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans uses environmentally “preferred” raw materials for more than 75% of their goods.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans offers a repair and resale program for their jeans.
  • Unknown – Nudie Jeans does not report on its use or elimination of suspect chemicals such as phthalates and perflourinated chemicals.
  • Unknown – Nudie Jeans does not report on its consumer packaging policy or waste reduction policy.

Labor Conditions/Fair Trade: 10 out of 14 (Source: Rank A Brand)

Main Labor Conditions Points:

  • Good – Nudie Jeans’ code of conduct includes the following standards: no forced or slave labor, no child labor, no discrimination of any kind, and safe and hygienic work place.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans’ code of conduct includes a formal employment relationship, sets a maximum working week of 48 hours and paid overtime of 12 hours (max), and offers a sufficient living wage.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans no longer uses abrasive blasting in their denim production.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans provides a list of direct suppliers on their website.
  • Good – Nudie Jeans has a publicly available report on the results of its labor conditions policy.
  • Unknown – Nudie Jeans does not provide comprehensive information about its labor condition policy for its fabric manufacturing phases.

Nudie Jeans Praise (Source:

  • Nudie Jeans is a Fair Wear Foundation member
  • Nudie Jeans received three green marks from the Child labour scorecard, indicating good performance in corporate policies against child labor, production monitoring, and accusations of child labor.
  • Nudie Jeans received a B+ rating from Behind the Barcode