This is a summary and explanation of the following research paper:
Detection of Various Microplastics in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Published In: Environmental Science & Technology
- On: July 13, 2023
Key Takeaways
- Using advanced imaging techniques, the study analyzed tissue and blood samples from 15 cardiac surgery patients.
- Microplastics were not universally present in all samples.
- Nine types of microplastics were identified across five tissue types and in pre- and postoperative blood samples.
- The study indicates that microplastics can exist in enclosed human organs, suggesting potential health impacts.
Study Summary
The study aimed to investigate the presence of microplastics in human heart tissues and blood. Using advanced imaging techniques, the study analyzed tissue and blood samples from 15 cardiac surgery patients. Key findings include:
- Microplastics were not universally present in all samples.
- Nine types of microplastics were identified across five tissue types and in pre- and postoperative blood samples.
- The largest microplastic particle measured 469 μm in diameter.
- Types and sizes of microplastics in blood changed after surgery.
- The study indicates that microplastics can exist in enclosed human organs, suggesting potential health impacts.
This research highlights the widespread presence and potential health implications of microplastics in the human body, especially in sensitive internal organs.