Making Progress on Local & Sustainable Cotton Clothing – The North Face

The North Face: Backyard Project Round 2

What started out as an experiment by The North Face has turned into a whole new line. Thanks to the demand of conscious consumers, companies like TNF are looking for ways to source and produce their garments more responsibly.

The North Face just launched their second installment of The Backyard Project, an almost completely local and 100% domestic clothing line. This line of cotton tees and hoodies for both sexes is grown in Arizona, processed in South Carolina, and sewn in California. This expansion of their original project, which started with a unisex hoodie, shows opportunity for growth in the domestic clothing market.

The roots of the Backyard Project

The North Face started this project in 2014 as a test run with one unisex hoodie. Working with Fibershed and the Sustainable Cotton Project, they were able to source Cleaner Cotton fibers from local farmers and complete most of the manufacturing locally.

Cleaner Cotton is a product of the Sustainable Cotton Project which brings together farmers using biological farming practices that exclude the use of pesticides and herbicides. This process eliminates the 13 most toxic chemicals used in conventional cotton cultivation. While not organic, the environmental impact of this cotton is much lower than conventionally grown cotton.

Fibershed connects the community of growers and artisans which allowed for everything other than the carding, spinning, and knitting of the cotton to take place locally. Due to the fact that there were no mills in the region to do this work, it was completed in North and South Carolina by family owned mills.

This Year’s Line

The North Face has scaled their operations considerably from last year, moving up from 1 unisex hoodie to 7 new styles of hoodies and tees in eight different colors. To supplement their California cotton source they have started sourcing cotton from the Arizona based The Natural Hue Company. They have also moved the majority of their production to Los Angeles, which has much more apparel manufacturing infrastructure.

Overall, this second line is slightly less local, but still holds true to the ‘Made in the USA’ and environmentally/socially conscious ethics they set out to meet. It’s certainly a big step in the right direction. Success in this product line will undoubtedly spur similar projects.

Highlights of the Backyard project

  • No petroleum based dyes – they use a strain of cotton whose natural color eliminates the need for synthetic dyes.  
  • Less waste – The North Face produced a new, more efficient pattern to reduce fabric waste between cutting and sewing of the material
  • Local jobs – the process supports over 100 American-based manufacturing jobs
  • Conscious at scale – 16,963 garments made

In a time where 95% of apparel in our closets is produced overseas, it’s difficult to find the same sources and services in shore. In their 2014 experiment, The North Face proved that it is possible to produce local and responsible products at a reasonable price. And, because of the success of their efforts I expect them to continue growing this clothing line!

Image Credit: 1) The North Face

How To Reduce Your Food Waste – Quick Tips

A few new habits will add up quick.

Food waste is a big issue many of us are unconsciously contributing to. The good news is, it’s not hard to drastically cut down on our food waste and by doing so we will also save time and money. 🍕+⌚+💸=👍

You can start right here, right now, with these simple tips:

Be More Conscious About What You Buy

  1. Don’t buy produce in bulk – Unless you are sure you’re going to be able to use it all, buying produce in bulk is a bad idea because it almost always perishing faster than you think – If you do a lot of your shopping at Costco or other bulk stores, make it a habit to swing by a smaller grocer on the way home. Even better, take a break from your busy life once a week to walk to farmers market and get higher quality, local produce.
  2. Don’t shop hungry – We tend to buy more than we need when we shop hungry because our eyes get big and everything looks appetizing. Simply eating before going to the store will help you make more rational purchasing decisions.
  3. Plan your meals better – When you know what you need to buy for your meals during the week you can get just the right ingredients and reduce the superfulous stuff.
  4. Make a list – Take an inventory of what you need at home so you know what to buy. When we wonder through the store without direction we buy things we don’t need and forget the things we do need. Make a list and stick to it. You’ll save time, money, and will reduce your food waste.

Reduce Your Food Waste At Home

  1. Take expiration dates with a grain of salt – Expiration dates are an estimation made by the producer, not a cold hard fact. They should be taken more as a recommendation. The only foods required by law to have expiration dates are baby formula, the rest are just added by producers to sell more good. For most foods the smell test is your best indicator – if it smells rotten don’t eat it, otherwise you’re probably safe. I’ve been trusting my nose for the last 10 years and have yet to get sick from eating spoiled food.
  2. Organize your refrigerator better – Finding old moldy leftovers in the back your fridge is the worst! Take the time every few days to bring the older food in your fridge to the front so you don’t forget about it. This is especially important when you bring new groceries home because new groceries often push everything else to the back. The way you store your food also has a big impact on how long it will last. Learn how to store your food the right way.
  3. Utilize your freezer – When you have perishable food you know you can’t eat, wrap it up and store it in the freezer before it goes bad. This is most often the case with produce, but I will also freeze bread, leftover pizza, etc. My mom will even freeze a gallon of milk from time to time. It’s important to properly prepare before you freeze. For example, fruit will freeze just fine, but don’t defrost a banana and expect it to turn out great. I like to chop up any fruits I freeze and use them in smoothies at a later time.
  4. Eat your leftovers – Taking your leftovers to work for lunch is a great practice that will save you time and money. I also recommend having a leftover night any time you start to get a build up and feel you need to take action. Some things like fish just don’t make good leftovers so keep that in mind when you’re at the store. It’s better to error on the side of too little rather than too much with most dishes.
  5. Start a compost – In terms of efficiency, composting is not nearly as good as reducing waste in the first place, because it only recovers about 1% of the energy used to create that food in the first place. I encourage composting, but it should be the last resort in your food waste reduction strategy. You can learn how to start a compost in about 10 minutes if you want to start today.

Support Movements To Reduce Food Waste

  1. Rob Greenfield – This grassroots activist is gaining fame for his anti food waste campaigns where he diverts discarded food from grocery stores to people in need. He regularly goes dumpster diving to recover perfectly good foods and raise awareness about the magnitude of waste. Watch his TedX on How To End The Food Waste Fiasco for his story and tips on reducing food waste.
  2. Demand grocery stores donate instead of dumping – #DonateNotDump and demand they sell ugly produce #DemandUgly – Talk to a manager, email a representative, send a Facebook message, or tweet.
  3. Check out Think.Eat.Save. to find news and movements around food waste prevention.
  4. Spread the word! Talk about it, join an online community, and stay up on the food waste reduction movement.

Need Some Inspiration?

Weird Al’s got you covered: Eat It

Food Waste in America – The Facts

The facts about our food…

Last Week Tonight does a great job of bringing us the news in an engaging and amusing fashion. It’s one of my favorite ways to digest news and learn about absurd situations we, as Americans, have found ourselves in. The Food Waste episode was particularly jaw dropping so I’ve revisited it and brought you the highlights.

Food waste is a growing problem in the United States and we should all be aware of its impact on society and the environment because we all play a part in solving this dilemma. Understanding the implications of our actions makes us much more likely to make adjustments to our lifestyle, which is why I’m bringing you a taste of the truth about our food system.

Facts About Food Waste

  • As much as 40% of all the food produced in the United States never gets eaten
  • Americans throw away $165 billion worth of food every year… About 20 pounds per person every month
  • Americans throw away enough food every year to fill 730 football stadiums
  • The amount of food we throw out has increased by about 50% since the 1970’s
  • In our households we waste between 15 and 20 percent of the food we buy

Reasons Why Food Waste Is So Upsetting

  • In 2013, 49.1 million Americans lived in food-insecure households
  • The food itself isn’t the only thing wasted. Think about all of the labor and natural resources that go into producing that food
  • The aggregated waste from landfills produces methane, a greenhouse gas that is 20 times as potent as CO2
  • Food waste is expensive – we are essentially throwing away up to 1/4 of the groceries we buy

Main Contributors To The Food Waste Problem

  • Aesthetics – sub-par produce never even makes it to the shelves. Even though these fruits and vegetables are essentially the same, if they are not aesthetically pleasing they can lose up to 2/3 of their market value for farmers. There is no economic incentive for farmers to donate the food. Because of the time and money costs associated with delivering the food it’s cheaper for them to just throw it away.
  • Overstocking – produce shelves of supermarkets are over stocked to appeal to the psychological aspect of shopping. If there are only a couple of pieces of produce left on the shelf they are interpreted to be the “last choice” as shoppers assume they weren’t previously picked for a reason.
  • Sell By Dates – 91% of consumers reported that at least occasionally they had discarded food past its ‘sell by’ date out of concern for the product’s safety. Sell by dates are actually decided on by manufacturers. With the exception of baby formula, the US government does not require any food to carry and expiration date. Supermarkets discard food items that are past their labeled expiration dates and do not donate it due to a “health and safety issue” even though there has not been a single lawsuit filed against a supermarket for donating “expired” food (Food donators are actually protected from law suits by the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act).

It’s shocking to see that we can have such an abundance of food, yet still have almost 50 million Americans experiencing food shortage problems. The extensive waste begins and ends with the actions of each individual. As soon as we each change our habits, we all take the first step toward solving this crisis. Learn how you can reduce your food waste with a few new habits.

The Full Food Waste Clip from This Week Tonight with John Oliver

How Jeans Are Made – A Quick Overview

How much do you appreciate a pair of jeans…

Jeans are everywhere all the time. They are by far the most popular choice of clothing around the world. They range all the way from Levi’s classic 501’s to diamond studded jeans valued at $1.3 Million. Yes, that’s right, there is a pair of jeans by Secret Circus retailing at over $1 Million.

No matter your style, it’s important to know where your jeans came from so you can properly appreciate them. I find that when I understand what it takes to go from a ball of cotton to a product on the shelf, I treat my clothes differently. This process has changed a few things for me –

  • I am more careful about the quality and quantity of jeans I buy.
  • I take better care of my belongings so they last longer (not limited to just my jeans).
  • I break in my own jeans.

This quick overview will give you a much better idea for how jeans are made. The full 10 min video is included at the end if you’d like to hear all the details (in a British accent).

How Jeans Are Made

Getting The Cotton – Cotton is grown and harvested.


Cotton is Processed – The raw harvested cotton is run through a sifting machine to remove seeds and stems, resulting in bales of refined cotton.


Carding – The cotton is combed and pulled into a web, then stretched together into thick strands called slivers. Slivers are then pulled and twisted into a fine yarn.


Cotton is Dyed Blue – Cotton strands are dyed blue.


Cotton is Weaved Into Denim – Blue cotton strands are weaved into denim. For most denim, 1 strand of white cotton is weaved into every 3 strands of blue cotton so that it isn’t too blue.


Denim is Prepared for Sewing – The denim fabric is cut into patterns by hand – notice the chainmail glove being worn by the saw operator.


Denim Becomes Jeans – The cut fabric patterns are sewn together by hand and rivets, zippers, and buttons are added.


Some jeans are finished here, but most modern style jeans are “distressed” aka manually broken in. There are several steps to this process which vary depending on the style. A few of these tactics are outlined below.

This is how jeans get their faded and worn look….

Manual Fading – Jeans are slipped onto a pair of rubber legs which fill up with air making the jeans taught. Then they are: sanded by hand, worn around the edges with a grinder, and stained with a spray gun.


Designer Creases – Designer creases are added with a laser gun.


Roughed Up In The Wash – The jeans are washed in giant washing machines along with a few buckets of volcanic rock.


Labeling & Ironing – Finally the jeans are ironed, labeled, and ready to be shipped off for sale.


Full How Jeans Are Made Video courtesy of Discovery:

Drinking Responsibly – The Sustainability of Craft Beer

Barley, Yeast, Hops, Beards, Independent, Local, Handcrafted, … Sustainability?

Along with all the other great qualities of craft breweries, social responsibility and environmental stewardship seems to be ingrained in the culture too. Craft breweries are appearing on every corner and we can’t get enough. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…BAM!… sustainability. And they might be around for the long hall.

A quick shout out to the 90’s – thanks for fostering the craft brewery revolution – we have that and much more to thank you for.

This chart from the brewers association shows the explosion:

Growth of Craft Breweries Over Time | prch

What was once a garage hobby has blossomed into a booming industry. Craft brew is dominated by young men who started brewing beer in their garage for their friends, which is why it comes as no surprise that the small time community culture they embody is an essential ingredient in the craft beer scene.  

We’re talking about a generation of kids that was deeply impacted by the environmental damage of previous generations. A generation that despises cubicles and strives to reform the old way of business.  

They understand that profit isn’t the only bottom line in business. That’s not to say it isn’t a factor, because craft beer is a big industry. It contributed $55.7 Billion to the US economy in 2014.

But craft breweries seem to see the big picture. Not only does being green improve the way they are perceived, but it makes business sense. The price of fossil fuels and water are only expected to increase, so investing in efficient operations and renewable resources is a pretty easy decision. 

Finally, you have to please your customers and the hip millennials are out to eat and drink local. As long as craft brew drinkers care, craft brewers will care.

A Few Sustainability Highlights from Progressive Craft Breweries

Alaskan Brewing

  • CO2 recovery system prevents over 1 million pounds of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere each year. That’s the equivalent of the emissions from 45,000 gallons of gas.
  • Mash filter press – saved over 1 million gallons of water and 60,000 gallons of fuel in its first year of operation
  • Spent grain steam broiler – turns used grain into energy preventing them from having to ship it out and cutting their fuel usage by up to 70%

Stone Brewing

  • Reclaims 75,000 gallons of water a day
  • Solar contributes to about 20% of their energy usage (1,561 solar modules)
  • They are the largest purchasers of local produce in San Diego County
  • Participate in meatless monday at their restaurant (saves 110,448 lbs of CO2 annually)

New Belgium

  • They measure and publish their water, waste, and emissions metrics annually (check it out here)
  • 99.9% of their waste is diverted from the landfill
  • 12.6% of their energy is produced on site with solar and biogas
  • In 1998 the staff voluntarily took a cut from their bonus checks to subscribe to he Fort Collins Utilities Wind Power Program after learning that the biggest contributor to their carbon footprint was the city’s coal-fired power plant.

Sierra Nevada

  • Their Chico brewery gets 20% of its energy from solar (10,751 panels)
  • They generate electricity from microturbines that run off natural gas and biogas produced by their own wastewater treatment plant
  • CO2 recovery systems capture CO2 produced in the fermentation process
  • 99.8% of their waste is diverted from the landfill
  • They capture rainwater at their Mills River location and utilize it for non-potable uses around the brewery

I know you didn’t need another excuse to drink beer, but this might be your best one yet.



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Ecolabelling – Know Your Environmental & Social Product Labels

Do You Look for These Eco Labels While Shopping?

Do you know what they mean…

About Eco Labels

Ecolabelling refers to the small seals usually found around the edges of products that denote product attributes such as certified organic, fair trade, or cruelty free.  These eco labels are a form of sustainability measurement that help consumers make decisions while shopping.

There are over 460 eco labels, but only a handful are widespread among the products we see in store. In order to display an eco label, products must be certified by a third party with strict qualification standards. However, there are some eco labels created by the company themselves so it’s important to know which ones are credible and which ones are likely biased.

All of the eco labels outlined below are third party certifications. This guide will help you recognize and understand the most common eco labels so you can choose more responsible products.

Common Eco Labels for Food Products

usda-organicThis USDA Organic eco label is the most recognizable. For a product to get this seal the ingredients must be 95% or more certified organic.

Certified organic ingredients are free of synthetic additives like chemical fertilizers, pesticides and dyes, and can’t be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering. USDA has made a few exceptions to the rule however, such as with additives in processed goods like enzymes in yogurt, pectin in fruit jams, and baking soda in baked goods.

Many have argued that the standards for the USDA certification are loose, but products with this eco label are much closer to being healthy and responsible than their counterparts. You should also keep an eye out for the following claims that can only be made if these requirements are met:

  • “made with organic” – This means at least 70% of the ingredients are organic but the rest do not need to meet organic standards.
  • “100% organic” – All ingredients meet the USDA organic requirements


Although the USDA Organic certification prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms, many food products also have the NonGMO Project verification as well. As the name suggests, this eco label verifies a product’s ingredients are not genetically modified. The Non GMO Project has a thorough testing process for all product ingredients which is conducted annually. This eco label offers the most thorough verification available for non GMO.

Watch out for “GMO free” or other non GMO claims that are not backed by a third party certification. If you want to be sure you’re supporting a business that actively avoids he use of genetically modified organisms, look for this eco label. Also, not all products that are verified sport the label, but you can double check with the NonGMO Project site to make sure.

Fair Trade Eco Labels

When you purchase fair trade certified products, you are supporting human rights for workers around the world that have historically been exploited. The mission of fair trade is to ensure that small farm owners and agricultural operations receive a fair price for their products. Fair trade also means all the workers are paid a fair price and are guaranteed good working conditions.

Fair trade eco labels are most commonly found on food items but aren’t limited to food. Some textiles are starting to sport the eco label to show they have used fair trade ingredients. Here are the most common fair trade labels to look for:


The Fair Trade Certified eco label is issued by Fair Trade USA, a third party non profit certification body that audits suppliers to ensure they meet minimum wage and working condition standards. Their programs help to protect farmers in third world countries from being exploited and they emphasize sustainable practices.

Best explained by them, “We provide farmers in developing nations the tools to thrive as international business people. Instead of creating dependency on aid, we use a market-based approach that gives farmers fair prices, workers safe conditions, and entire communities resources for fair, healthy and sustainable lives. We seek to inspire the rise of the Conscious Consumer and eliminate exploitation.”


FairTrade International facilitates trade partnerships to ensure producers get a fair price for their products. Traditionally, small scale farmers in poor countries have been exploited because they have little or no bargaining power with large established purchasers. They not only facilitate fair trade but also support standards for hired labor, democracy, and transparency among developing communities.



Similar to the previous eco labels, the Fair for Life certification aims to support human rights through their work. Fair for Life certified products ensure farmers receive a fair share of profits and workers have fair working conditions. They also foster programs to provide the means for social community projects and empowerment of the people.



The Rainforest Alliance eco label certifies products that originate on or have ingredients that come from a farm or forest operation. The certification criteria for the label is designed to conserve wildlife, safeguard soils and waterways, protect workers and their communities, and support long-term sustainability. This eco label can be found on coffee, chocolate, tea, fruit, flowers, paper products, furniture, and even on some tourism lodges.


Common Eco Labels for Electronic Products


Energy Star is one of the most recognized eco labels as it is one of the oldest. Like the USDA Organic label, Energy Star is government backed – the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is the issuer. This eco label signifies energy efficiency for products and even homes and commercial/industrial buildings. For products to receive the Energy Star certification they have to meet the energy efficiency requirements established by the EPA.

Each product category has its own set of requirements, which are revised regularly. Essentially, the Energy Star label is awarded to the most energy efficient products in their class. As technology advances the requirements change, so products need to continually improve to meet the standard year after year.

While the Energy Star eco label doesn’t provide discrete values or ratings, it does provide an indication for products leading in energy efficiency which helps when deciding what to buy. You can lookup all Energy Star certified products here.


EPEAT  (Elecronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a rating system that uses criteria to register products that are manufactured with less toxic content, are easily recycled, and are more energy efficient. This is a label you may not see on a physical product in the store, but is sometimes displayed when shopping online. There are three levels in the EPEAT rating system – Bronze, Silver, Gold. And yes, in case you are wondering… Your Mac Book is certified Gold. You can search products and companies here: EPEAT Search.

Other Types of Eco Labels to Look For

b-corporationThe B Corp eco label is a certification for corporations with a goal of using business to solve social and environmental problems. A B Corp is to business as fair trade certification is to coffee.

Unlike traditional corporations, social and environmental responsibility are built into the framework and mission of the certified B Corps so money is not the only factor that dictates decision making. To maintain their status, B Corporations are held to comprehensive and transparent social and environmental performance standards.

Some notable corporations that have joined the movement include Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, New Belgium Brewing, and Couchsurfing… So whether you feel like drinking a beer, eating some ice cream, or traveling, you can support responsible business while you do so!  Find out if your favorite brands are certified B Corps here: Find a B Corp

cradle-to-cradle-certificationCradle to Cradle is another eco label with multiple tiers: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Each product assessed by Cradle to Cradle is measured against five criteria which are combined for an overall score:

  • Material Health
  • Material Utilization
  • Revewable Energy & Carbon Management
  • Water Stewardship
  • Social Fairness

Cradle to Cradle has certified a wide variety of products including furniture, health and beauty products, cleaning supplies, and some apparel. You can browse the certified products and their ratings on the Cradle to Cradle website.


Looking for eco labels is a great way to identify socially and environmentally responsible products. While these marks aren’t a complete sustainability rating for products by any means, they do help determine the social value of products which makes shopping responsibly much easier.

Be careful though! Not all labels on packaging are authentic. If you find an eco label and aren’t sure what it means, the best place to search is the Eco Label Index. If you don’t find it there then it’s probably not a valid label.

What are your go-to eco labels?


Conscious Consumer Index – Social Responsibility Survey Infographic

Overall, the growth in social enterprise continues, but slowly.

I’m a bit surprised to find out that the conscious consumer movement is not growing faster. I expected a more significant increase since younger generations are becoming more active and environmental and social issues have seen more coverage in the media. I was especially shocked to see that almost 1/3 of the respondents could not name a socially responsible company!

It’s clear that knowledge is the leading reason why consumers fail to shop responsibly – 46% of respondents stated that not knowing where to find socially responsible products and services prevented them from doing more good!

As with all movements, education is key.

About The CCSIndex Survey

The Conscious Consumer Spending Index (CCSIndex) is an ongoing study that tracks trends among charitable giving and conscious consumerism. The survey is conducted by Good.Must.Grow, a socially responsible marketing agency that provides strategic marketing support for socially responsible businesses, nonprofit causes, and organizations that are focused on health and wellness. The CCSIndex Survey tracks trends such as the importance consumers place on purchasing from socially responsible companies and intent to purchase products from responsible organizations.

This infographic displays the highlights of their third annual survey from 2015.


Learn more about CCSIndex and Good.Must.Grow

Guide to Buying Sustainable Fish – Seafood Watch App

Yes! There’s an app for that…

Shopping for fish is tough for a conscious consumer. There are a lot of conflicting points of view in the scientific community around the fishing industry – farmed fish, wild caught, stock estimates, size limits, bycatch, mercury… There is always a new report to demystify the last and make me more confused about my choices when it comes to the sea.

Fortunately there is a guide that’s relevant to your location, updated regularly, and comes from a pretty trustworthy source.

The Seafood Watch guide published by the Monterey Bay Aquarium isn’t going to make you a fish expert, but it will take you from newb to conscious pescatarian. And guess what? They have an app! So you don’t even really need to think. (They have a printable pocket guide too if you prefer.)

The guide makes it easy. When you search for a fish you get recommendations to help you make sustainable decisions. Your favorite fish may fall into one of three categories:

  • Best Choices – These are considered to be well managed fisheries, caught or farmed in ways that cause little harm to habitats or other wildlife.
  • Good Alternatives – There are concerns with how these fish are caught or farmed.
  • Avoid – Fish in this group are over fished or caught or farmed in ways that harm other marine life or the environment.

The Seafood Watch app has some other helpful features too:

  • You can search for sushi by Japanese name and common market name
  • There is a function to help you find restaurants and stores near you that serve ocean-friendly seafood. This feature provides a map of their “business and restaurant partners”. This part of the app could be a little more robust – my results in San Diego consisted of 4 Whole Food locations.
    • Business Partners – Restaurants and/or major retailers that have made a commitment to sell only environmentally responsible seafood.
    • Restaurant Partners – Restaurants that no longer serve items from the red “Avoid” list. They also train their staff and help raise awareness in their communities.
  • Their recommendations will update regularly
  • You can get information about aquaculture, fishing and farming methods, seafood sustainability, and wild seafood if you’re interested in learning more.
  • They provide information about relative eco labels when you search for a fish

I’ve previously been using the pocket guide and I’m pleasantly surprised with the functionality of the app. It’s easy to use and lets you dig deeper into information about seafood at your own pace.

All in all, the guide provides helpful information that makes decision making around seafood way easier. You don’t need to be a scientist to understand the info and try to decide what to eat, but if you want to act like one you can dig deeper and learn more!

A sneak preview of the Seafood Watch App:

Seafood Watch Sustainable Fish Guide - HomeSeafood Watch Sustainable Fish Guide - HomeSeafood Watch Sustainable Fish Guide - TunaSeafood Watch Sustainable Fish Guide - Bluefin

A view of the pocket guide (this one is for CA):

Seafood Watch Pocket Guide



We Each Do What We Can

How do we save the world?

One step at a time.

One trip to the recycling bin.

One bike ride.

One global treaty.

One tech innovation.

One less piece of plastic in the ocean.

One step at a time, we each do what we can to save the world.

As soon as we become conscious of our actions and understand that we do have the ability to make an impact, we take our first step in the right direction.

We each follow our own path and walk at our own pace. We do what we can and what we believe is right, and we continue to learn along the way.

Most don’t realize it, but everything we do has an impact. A cappuccino bought in San Francisco influences coffee trade in Central America, an extra minute in the shower each morning impacts the ecology of a wetland hundreds of miles away, a signature on a petition influences the actions of a billion dollar corporation.

While it’s difficult to see the influence we have on a day to day basis, we know it all adds up and it’s amazing what we can accomplish together.

  • In July 2015 San Diegans cut water usage by over 30% in response to the prolonged drought. That’s the lowest usage has been in SD since 1975
  • Toms has given over 50 million pairs of shoes away to children in need since it started 7 years ago. Each pair was paid for by Toms customers. 
  • Last month Mars Inc. agreed to remove artificial dyes from M&Ms after receiving an online petition signed by over 200,000 people. 


We are on our way to a better world.

The amazing thing is, we don’t need to make giant sacrifices in our lives to have a tremendous impact on others. We can actually improve our lifestyle and feel better about ourselves all while doing good for others and the environment. One step at a time, we do what we can.

If you’d like to take your first step or pick up the pace, you’re in the right place.

You’ll find actionable advice here regularly and if you want to receive one tip once a week you can join the team below.

Let us know how we can help.

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Shipping vs Shopping – The Impact of Buying Online or In Store

Should I shop online or go to the store?

I’ve always been curious about what has a bigger environmental impact – ordering something online and having it shipped to my house OR just going to the store to get it. Of course there are so many variables every case is different, but in general what’s the difference?

To find out, I read five different studies from various sources and they all had the same conclusion: on average ordering products online has a smaller carbon footprint than driving to a store. 

Up to the point where a product is shipped or purchased in a store, it’s journey is pretty much the same. Most products will go through a long journey through a supply chain before being ready for purchase online or in a store. Getting a product through that final step and into the hands of the consumer is called the “last mile”.

For determining what has a larger impact, the last mile is really where the rubber meets the road. As you can imagine there are countless scenarios here based on where you live, what you drive, what the delivery dude drives, how many houses are on his route, etc.  

  • Delivery Transportation – The efficiency of vehicles and routes varies widely, but the generally accepted standard for these studies boils down to the delivery truck traveling between .1 and 1 miles for each package delivered. For purpose of calculating carbon emissions, most of the studies I read assumed a vehicle the size of a standard UPS truck.
  • Customer Transportation – There are several variables around the carbon emissions that result from a consumer going to the store:
    • Trip length – Most studies are assuming somewhere around 12 miles round trip.
    • Fuel economy – Most studies assume an average sized vehicle roughly equivalent to a sedan like a Toyota Corolla.
    • Purposes per trip – A consumer may make a dedicated trip to the store from their home or could pick up their purchase on their way home from work. Some studies give figures for both.
  • Packaging – The difference between individual packaging for shipping to end destination or bulk packaging is considered in one of these studies.
  • Electricity Consumption – This addresses household energy consumption due to shopping online, the energy of distribution warehouses, logistics, and in some cases a store front. Overall these variables were minor factors in final calculations of emissions.

The variable that makes the biggest difference by far is the fuel burned in delivery vs pickup.

It turns out that for the most part, the logistics of shipping are pretty advanced and the carbon footprint of e-tailing is considerably lower than driving to the store yourself. A delivery truck can make 120 drops on a 50 mile route, while the average trip to the store is around 12 miles and you may only be  getting 1-2 items. Even though delivery trucks don’t get as good of gas mileage as the average car, their routes are much more efficient.

If you’re having trouble deciding which has a higher carbon footprint in your situation, consider the following variables:

  • Your vehicle – It may be more efficient to drive to the store if:
    • You have a highly efficient vehicle (especially if you’re charging from a renewable source like solar)
    • It’s on your way to or from another place you’re already going
    • You’re going to be buying a lot of stuff in one trip (over 24 non-food items to be exact)
    • Taking the bus and other public transit were not deeply vetted throughout the studies but depending on how many items you are buying in one trip, it is more efficient than online shopping most circumstances.
  • Proximity to store
    • If you’re only a few miles away and you can limit the number of times you go it will likely have a lower carbon footprint
  • What you’re ordering
    • Is this something you can swing by the store to get next time you’re in the area?
    • Do you need it… like… now?
    • Is it something you can order used online (like a book) instead of having to buy a new one?


The research suggests that, in terms of carbon emissions, shopping online has a much smaller impact. The studies range anywhere from 18-87%, but it’s important to note the wide variety of variables here and think about your particular situation. Most of the difference between driving to the store and ordering online is determined by your vehicle.

As you can imagine, if you have an electric car that is charged by solar the margins are going to change considerably. At the same time, advances in logistics and the use of renewable energy in shipping fleets are continuing to make delivery less impactful.

So, if you’re living in a suburban area and you’re buying a few items at a time, it’s safe to say online shopping will lower your carbon footprint. However, I wouldn’t forgo stopping by the store on the way home to pick up a few items just so you could order them online.



Quick overview of each study:

Life Cycle Comparison of Traditional Retail and E-commerce Logistics for Electronic Products: A Case Study of

Source: Green Design Institute – Carnegie Mellon University

Date Published: 2008

This study focused on the energy use and CO2 emissions associated with flash drives – either delivering them to a home via e-commerce or traditional retail. Using data from and UPS they compared the impact between delivery and in-store pickup to find that: “Overall, e-commerce had about 30% lower energy consuption and CO2 emmisions compared to traditional retail using calculated mean values.”


The global move toward Internet shopping and its influence on pollution: an empirical analysis

Source: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Date Published: 2015

This study takes a bit of a different angle by researching the influence of “Internet retailing” on CO2 emissions in 77 countries with data from 2000-2013. It is a very large scale assessment of carbon dioxide emissions and Internet retailing that utilizes models to compare emissions variables such as GDP growth, electricity consumption, urbanization, and Internet retailing. The authors conclude that while all other factors increase pollution with growth, Internet retailing has the opposite trend – an increase in Internet retailing will reduce CO2 emissions.


Measuring transport related CO2 emissions induced by online and brick-and-mortar retailing

Source: Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment

Date Published: 2015

This study was focused on the Dalecarlia region of Sweden where consumers ordering products online pick up their packages from local distribution centers. The study evaluated the difference in emissions between a consumer picking up their online purchase from a distribution center and going to a brick-and-mortar store to purchase their item. The data focused solely on electronics products. In short, the study found that e-tailing had an average decrease in CO2 footprint by 84%.


Effects of E-Commerce on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Source: Journal of Industrial Ecology 6, No.2, pages 83-97

Date Published: 2003

This paper is based on a case study of e-grocery customers in Helsinki Finland. The researchers compared the estimated GHG emissions of customers with those of competing delivery methods. The data suggested that GHG emissions could be reduced by 18-87% depending on the home delivery methods used.


Comparative analysis of the carbon footprints of conventional and online retailing

Source: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Date Published: 2010

Where the previous study focused on grocery items, this study concentrates on the non-food retail sector. One interesting part of this paper is that it factors in delivery failure rates which can contribute to decreased efficiency for deliveries. The results suggest that an average trip to the store to buy a non-food item results in 24 times as much carbon dioxide emissions than ordering that product online. So, in order for that person’s trip to produce less carbon dioxide, they would need to buy more than 24 non-food items in a single trip. This assumes one item per drop for home delivery. If more items were delivered at one time it could bring the emissions down considerably.