How Plastic Chemicals Come Into Contact with Our Skin

Here are some ways in which plastic chemicals can get onto our skin: It’s important to note that the degree of exposure and potential risk from plastic chemicals on the skin can vary based on factors such as the type of plastic, the specific chemicals involved, the duration of contact, and individual sensitivity. Some plastic …

How Plastic Chemicals Get Into The Air

Plastic chemicals can get into the air through a process known as “off-gassing” or “volatilization.” Off-gassing refers to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals from plastic materials into the surrounding air. This process can occur in various situations and environments, leading to the dispersion of plastic-related chemicals into the atmosphere. Here …

How Plastics Migrate Into Food

The process of chemicals from plastics moving into our food is known as “migration.” Migration occurs when substances in a plastic material transfer from the plastic into the food or beverage that comes into contact with it. This transfer of chemicals doesn’t happen in all plastics or under all conditions. It is more likely to …

The Harmful Truth About Plastics: A Guide to EDCs in Plastics and Their Health Effects

This is a summary of the Endocrine Society’s report on plastics and their implications for our health. Download and read the full report here: EDC Guide 2020 The Harmful Truth About Plastics: A Guide to EDCs in Plastics and Their Health Effects Plastics are all around us – in our homes, our cars, our clothes, …

Five Harmful Chemicals To Watch Out For In Plastics (Presentation Summary)

The panel of experts in this presentation summarize what is known about endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in plastics that threaten human health. What Are EDCs? Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are substances that interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system in humans and animals. The endocrine system is a complex network of glands that produce …

8 Safest Plastic Bottles and Cups

Plastic bottles and cups are widely and frequently used all over the world. While they’re lightweight and convenient, many plastic bottles and cups contain dangerous materials like BPA and phthalates. These chemicals can leech into your drinks and make their way into your body, which can cause serious illness. With all the health concerns surrounding …


What is Melamine? Melamine is an organic compound commonly used in manufacturing products like melamine dinnerware and plastic coatings. Though melamine is known for being highly durable and having an attractive glossy finish, it has recently caused concern due to its ability to contaminate food and water, thereby potentially compromising human health. Even though melamine …

Flame Retardants

What Are Flame Retardants? Flame retardants are chemicals used to slow down the spread of flame and delay the ignition of combustible materials. They can be found in a variety of products such as furniture, electronics, carpets, and flame-resistant plastics. While flame retardants can provide a measure of safety in preventing fires from occurring, their …

Types of Chemicals Found In Plastics

Bisphenols Bisphenols are a class of industrial chemical compounds that have been used in manufacturing products since the 1960s. They are commonly found in plastics like polycarbonates, epoxy resins and other polymers, as well as food and beverage containers, cash register receipts, the lining of water pipes, some dental composites and dental sealants. Bisphenols can …