Reusable vs. Disposable Bags: What’s Better for The Environment?

Is investing in a reusable bag really going to lower your environmental footprint? In this post I will answer three main questions: What’s the environmental impact of disposable bags? What’s the environmental impact of reusable bags? When are reusable bags better than disposable bags? The basics of comparing disposable bags vs reusable bags Before answering …

Reusable Grocery Bags: Good or Bad for the Environment?

Are reusable grocery bags good or bad for the environment? For every news article that tells us ‘Reusable bags are better for the environment’ there seems to be another one saying ‘Reusable bags are not really eco-friendly’. The arguments for and against the environmental sustainability of reusable shopping bags can be confusing, so what’s the truth? …

Pros and Cons of Reusable Grocery Bags

What are the pros and cons of reusable grocery bags? Plastic is threatening many aspects of life these days. With 4.8 to 12.7 million tons of plastic ending up in the world’s oceans each year, and 80% of that coming from the land and coastlines, there’s overwhelming concern about the plastics we use in our every day …

How do reusable bags help the environment?

It’s common to hear that reusable bags – the ones you can use many times over, for months or even years– are great for the environment because they replace single use plastic bags. But why is this such a good thing? Why are single use plastic bags a problem? Many global and local problems are …

Reducing our Consumption of Plastics

Turning off the faucet… Plastic production has increased twenty-fold over the last 50 years – Over 300 million tons of plastic is being produced every year. And it’s adding up. Eight million metric tons of that enters the ocean each year. Our dependency on plastics for their convenience and versatility has grown exponentially. And it is projected to grow …

Legislation Against Plastic Pollution

Use less. Recycle more. Buy this. Don’t support that. When talking about pollution, especially plastic pollution, the conversation often targets individual action. The choice, and therefore responsibility, always seems to lie with the individual. And while these shifts in personal choices are by no means futile, it is also imperative that we look to our …

How Can We Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Reducing Plastic Pollution These days, it seems like plastic is everywhere you look. It’s packaging your food, holding your groceries, conveniently providing water for you, wrapping your uneaten food, filling your bathroom, housing your cleaning products; truly pervading every aspect of daily life. Yet unlike food, wood, or any other organic materials we use in …

How To: Stop Using Plastic Bags

Learn how to stop using plastic bags: When looking at a worldwide problem, it seems nearly impossible to stop yourself from asking, “But what can one person’s actions really achieve? Am I really going to make that much of a difference?” When it comes to using plastics, the answer is always yes. Take plastic bags for example: …

How To: Stop the Use of Plastic Bags

Stopping The Use of Plastic Bags “Plastic should be a high value material… [It] should be in products that last a long time, and at the end of the life, you recycle it. To take oil or natural gas that took millions of years to produce and then to make a disposable product that lasts …