How To: Stop Using Plastic Bags

Learn how to stop using plastic bags: When looking at a worldwide problem, it seems nearly impossible to stop yourself from asking, “But what can one person’s actions really achieve? Am I really going to make that much of a difference?” When it comes to using plastics, the answer is always yes. Take plastic bags for example: …

How To: Stop the Use of Plastic Bags

Stopping The Use of Plastic Bags “Plastic should be a high value material… [It] should be in products that last a long time, and at the end of the life, you recycle it. To take oil or natural gas that took millions of years to produce and then to make a disposable product that lasts …

No Place is Safe from Plastic

It seems we are hearing about plastic a lot these days. The environmental impact of disposable bags, the nearly 20 billion pounds of plastic entering our oceans each year, the rising amount of sea life whose lives are endangered from plastic – The list goes on and on. But just how pervasive is this plastic …

Bans, Taxes, and Fees: The Politics of Plastic Bags

It has become common practice around the world to use disposable plastic bags to assist us in our every day lives. Out of mere convenience and utility, the plastic bag has become a go-to resource for in-store purchases, big or small. However, in light of current of research pointing to the environmental impacts of plastic …

Human Expansion Over Last 30 Years

How have the world’s cities grown? The last century has seen unprecedented growth and projections for the future are unfathomable. We are at 7 billion people now and are expected to be at 9 billion people in another 30 years. That’s almost a 30% growth in just 30 years… At the rate our cities are …

Timelapse Reveals Human Impact on Earth

and this is just the last 32 years… Google’s latest Timelapse imagery gives us an unnerving view from above. We all see the headlines and hear the science, but it really hits home when we can fathom the scale of our impact. Over 7 BILLION people require a lot of resources. The overview effect was …

How To Survive The American Xmas (for Minimalists & Environmentalist)

It ain’t easy but it doesn’t have to be miserable… As an environmentalist and minimalist Christmas with the folks can be stressful. The holidays aren’t very sustainable and it’s hard to petition against the waste of gift giving without coming off as a Grinch. How do you explain to grandma you don’t want any gifts this …