What Is the Carbon Footprint of a Plastic Bag

Plastic bags are one of the major sources of pollution in the environment, not only because of their non-biodegradability, which causes them to remain in the environment as litter for centuries, but also because of their significant carbon footprint.  This article will explain what a carbon footprint of plastic bags is, why we need to …

Plastic Bag Alternatives: 5 Best Reusable Silicone Bags

Are you tired of constantly throwing away plastic bags after just one use? Do you want to make a more eco-friendly choice for your daily routine? Reusable silicone bags are a great option for reducing your plastic usage. These bags are one of the best eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastic bags and are designed to …

A Plastic Footprint: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Measure It

Plastic is everywhere in our lives, from kitchenware and phone cases to grocery bags and children’s toys. However, many people are unaware of the full extent of the environmental impacts of this omnipresent material. Plastic production is a major contributor to greenhouse gases and climate change. In this article, we examine how to calculate your …

Where to Buy the Best Biodegradable Plastic Bags for Packaging

Shipping has become the primary mode of sales in recent years, with small and large businesses alike selling more through online venues than in-store purchases. As such, plastic waste from plastic shipping bags has sharply increased, and individuals and businesses have begun switching to sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging. Biodegradable materials are a great alternative …

Sustainable Alternatives to Plastic Packaging

How Switching to Sustainable Packaging Can Reduce Plastic Waste Plastic usage has been a topic of major discussion in recent years, with plastic waste filling oceans and waterways around the world. A recent study found that the United States generates the highest amount of plastic waste of any country, with an estimated 287 lbs per …

8 Safest Plastic Bottles and Cups

Plastic bottles and cups are widely and frequently used all over the world. While they’re lightweight and convenient, many plastic bottles and cups contain dangerous materials like BPA and phthalates. These chemicals can leech into your drinks and make their way into your body, which can cause serious illness. With all the health concerns surrounding …

Plastic Alternatives: Eco-Friendly Coffee Pods

Every month, an estimated 30,000 coffee pods are sent to landfills around the world. These little plastic cups take over 500 years to decompose and leave behind harmful residue from the synthetic materials in them. In addition to the massive amounts of waste they generate, the plastic production process that creates these pods emits harmful …

Reusable Boba Cups: 6 Best Alternatives to Plastic Waste

As plastic waste fills our oceans and landfills, many of us are looking for eco-friendly alternatives in every aspect of our day-to-day lives. Environmentally-conscious boba tea lovers are likely aware of the non-recyclable plastic their favorite drink comes in. The plastic from boba cups sits in landfills for hundreds of years – in the best-case …

5 Best Biodegradable Alternatives to Plastic Bags

As the quest for more sustainable living continues, biodegradable bags have come to the forefront of the conversation. Unlike regular plastic bags, biodegradable bags decompose gradually and naturally over time, helping to reduce their environmental impact.  Whether you’re grocery shopping, packing a picnic lunch, or even taking items to the beach, having a reliable and …

Plastic Cup Alternatives: 5 Best Eco-Friendly Disposable Cups

Globally, we throw away around 500 billion plastic cups every single year. This is equivalent to every single person on the planet throwing away around 71 plastic cups per year. While this may not sound like that many cups, the environmental impact of disposable cups adds up quickly; most of these plastic cups end up …